Contact Tags


Tags in 1pm are used to classify contacts for later retrieval or filtering. They are a very important and powerful feature within the platform.

They are commonly used to tag Contacts as having a certain charateristic, for example VIP, SYDNEYTEAM, VOLUNTEER, MEDIC, SECURITY, CATERER, STALLHOLDER etc.

Tags can be used internally or externally by using the ‘Hide on Runsheet’ features.

If any tags are ‘Hidden on Runsheet’ then they won’t show on the runsheet, so you can think of these as being for internal use only.

When you add Crew in 1pm you are always adding it from a Contact. So when you add a Contact in 1pm, those ‘Contact Tags’ propogate to the r record.

That is powerful, but bear in mind Crew Tags (inherited from Contact Tags) are actually separate entities. So a Crew member can have their own set of tags for their Crew record (separate from their Contact Tags). When a Crew member is created from a Contact record, that Crew record inherits the Contacts tags, but only one time. After that, you can tweak those tags in the Crew record as required.

While this can be hard to get your head around at first, it makes sense because the Contact record is the permanent record of contact details for that person, but at any specific event that person may be performing different roles from other events (this the flexibility).

Once you have added tags, not only do they appear on the runsheet next to the contact (so everyone knows that person is the PHOTOGRAPHER - for example) but it provides easy filtering of Contacts within the platform.

Tags are also used when sending SMS Alerts in 1pm to specific Crew e.g. ‘CROWDCONTROL’.


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