• 1pm was released on 6th July 2024 as the first EARLY RELEASE BETA version. This means the software is new, and you may experience the occasional bug or error using the application. It is not recommended the EARLY RELEASE BETA version is used for live events until it exits the EARLY RELEASE BETA period.

    But don't worry, if you are planning an event for later in the year you can still start to use 1pm now, it's just not recommended to use for live events until the BETA period has ended. This will be in September 2024.

  • Professional event planners, venues, wedding planners and event agencies can all benefit from live runsheets and digital RSVP. If you need a runsheet, for your next event you need 1pm.app.

  • In 1pm you add every participant in the event as 'Participants' not guests. That's because participants includes both actual guests, and suppliers, venues, locations and helpers.

    That way, everyone involved in the event is communicated with and can download the latest runsheet in the portal.

  • If you have multiple people you need to share the runsheet with, 1pm will allow those participants to download both a beautifully formatted printed PDF runsheet at any time, plus view the live digital runsheet which updates in real-time without refreshing the page.

  • Many of our professional event planner users don't use 1pm for the RSVP features, they use it to create shareable real-time runsheets and allocate tasks to participants.

    But if you do add all your guests into 1pm as participants, not only will it manage all the complexities of RSVP (dietaries, plus ones, groups etc.) but it has other super helpful features such as seating/table allocation.

  • The application is hosted in Sydney, Australia and is available to businesses, organizations and individuals or couples located in Australia and New Zealand.

    If you wish to use 1pm outside Australia, please register your interest here.

  • 1pm is built on the latest Microsoft platform known as Blazor Server, hosted in the Azure cloud with the database and application servers hosted in Sydney, Australia on Azure SQL (Sql Server). It will work on any device with a browser, and is totally mobile responsive down to 400 pixels width (the smallest smart phones). It's been tested on a wide range of devices and will work great on just about every device (except maybe a smart watch!). There are no apps to download or install, it runs in the browser from a URL although we recommend you use the 'Install as App' feature found in Chrome and other browsers to pin the application URL to your mobile phone home screen.

    As Blazor Server is known as a 'Single Page Application' technology (SPA) it updates in real-time in a reactive way, making it look and feel like a mobile app.