Email Tracking
Email tracking is used to track and audit any emails sent from within 1pm, such as event invites, event updates and space user invites.
Tracking is comprehensive, and includes the ability to track delivery of emails, plus in most cases email opens.
Using the built-in 1pm email tracking you can audit invitations and get advanced information of the deliverability of those emails (without having to contact 1pm Support). 1pm uses Sendgrid to send emails, and email status updates are updated in real-time within seconds. No more guessing whether a particular person has received their invitation (especially handy if they haven’t RSVP’d yet and the event is getting close).
You’ll know exactly why an email invite hasn’t been received (for example if the email was blocked at the server) or other reasons.
You can then take action to invite that user using an alternative email address, or manually invite them if required.