Shareable Runsheet
You just seen one of the most powerful features of 1pm, the live runsheet which is personalised for every crew member.
This is the view that anyone requiring full runsheet access will see using their personalised link. They won’t need to login to 1pm to view this, all they need is the link! Anyone who can click on a link in an email can access this screen.
There is alot to unpack here, but essentially this is everything your old printed runsheets would contain, and much more.
Crew you have assigned tasks in Activity will see their tasks assignments, and be able to switch these tasks on/off as they are completed.
They will also see exactly when the next task assignment is due, and where the activity is taking place.
Areas are displayed as Shortcodes so they work display well on narrow mobile devices.
Full area/location information is displayed at the top in the Main Details section.
Everything updates in real-time on the runsheet with no need to refresh the page, including Activity timing changes and Task Assignment completions.
Shows just the activity you have set as ‘Agenda’ items in your runsheet Activity within 1pm. Accessible to everyone participating at the event (whether they have runsheet access or not).
This section is packed with handy information for both regular guests and participants who have runsheet access. It has key information such as venue addresses, key contacts and parking information.
The RSVP section is displayed prominently and allows crew to RSVP for both themselves to confirm their attendance, and any +1’s that you have permitted. If it’s a group invite then this guest can also RSVP for other group members on behalf of them.
The runsheet section only displays to participants who are suppliers, venues or are activity assignable. Often this is not just suppliers, but key people such as speakers, assistants and anyone requiring runsheet access.
Change the date context or area context and the URL in the browser will add those parameters. That means you can email the new URL just for that date or area by copying it. When you refresh the browser the runsheet will load to the same event date and area automatically.