How to Add ‘Volunteer’ Tag to Contacts & Crew

Volunteers are easy to classify within 1pm through the use of a Tag e.g. ‘Volunteer’.

In many cases you will find the easiest way to achieve this is to:

(1) First add the ‘Volunteer’ tag from the Tags tab.

(2) Add a ‘Tags’ column to your CSV import and add this tag to the column. If you are adding multiple tags during this import, separate these using a slash character (spaces between tags will be ignored).

Tags: For the Tags field these can be separated by any of these characters (slash, comma, colon, dash) e.g. / , : - 'VOLUNTEER / PHOTOGRAPHER / MEDICALTEAM' where this is an existing Tag name. Spaces will be trimmed. Note: Setup your Tags before importing!

For example, the following value in the Tags column in your CSV import ‘Volunteer/Medical’ would assign the tags Volunteer and Medical to the Contact during the import.

If you also selected ‘+ Add as Crew’ then corresponding Crew records would be created at the same time, along with those tags inherited from the Contact.

Now you have classified the Contact and Crew record with the tag ‘Volunteer’ you can do all sorts of filtering within 1pm.

For example, you can search Contacts based on a Tag filter ‘Volunteer’ and only Volunteers will be displayed

When sending Chats from the Admin area you could also send a Chat message and SMS to only the ‘Volunteer’ tagged Crew members.

When adding Activity into 1pm (the runsheet) you could assign the ‘Volunteer’ Tag to one or more Activity entries. Now, only those Crew members flagged ‘Volunteer’ will see that Activity on their personalised runsheet.

Of course, 1pm is not limited to just classifying Contact and Crew to the ‘Volunteer’ tag, because you can setup as many Tags as you wish, and you can assign multiple Tags to different Contact and Crew members.

This combination of flexible tagging and filtering within 1pm makes it one of the most powerful and flexible cloud based event crew management platforms available.

Please note that these instructions are not limited to tagging Contacts & Crew to just the ‘Volunteer’ tag. This technique applies to any Tags you may wish to setup, such as Medical, Volunteer, VIP, Forklift. FirstAid, VIP, Senior, BlueTeam, RedTeam, SydneyTeam, Probationary, Security, Contractor etc (limited only by your imagination and specific requirements!).


How to use the Day, Area & Tag Context Adding Activity