Using Chat Config Report To Identify & Fix Contact Data Issues


Maintaining accurate contact information for the entire Crew is an important first step to configure 1pm to work as you expect. 1pm makes it a breeze by identifying underlying issues that might prevent chat email and sms alerts reaching important crew and admin users.

There are two ways that alerts (notifications) can be sent for urgent or time sensitive incidents or information, one being through an email alert and the other being an SMS alert. Only Admins can send SMS alerts when sending a message, whereas email notifications might be sent ‘in the background’ for various events.

Both of these alert methods (Email/SMS) require the correct data to be present against the appropriate Contact, Crew or User record. So there are potentially three locations where this data might need correcting.

1pm does not use the email address and mobile phone number entered under the Space User for any alerts. These are just used for the intial invites, for all admin users it’s the User Account screen where the mobile and email address affects alerts.

How to Identify Issues

The Chat Config tab within the Chat window has a very useful built-in report that shows every Crew member and User (including the the Space Owner) that can be potentially reached, and any existing problems e.g. missing fields like email or mobile. A red error circle indicates that no data is present within that field, and this requires your attention.

Chat Config Report


Owner User

There is one Owner User per Space, the person that owns and controls the Space.

Admins can change their email address by editing their User Account.


Crew members all have a Crew record which contains their Email address. That’s because you may wish to use a different email address for each event, and the fact most people have more than one email address e.g. often a personal and work email address.

The Email address field in a Crew member is initially updated from the original Contact record (the so called ‘single source of truth’). Admins can override the Email address field in the Crew record to change it.

You might think that changing or editing the Email address field in the Contact record would help, but bear in mind this is just used to populate the Crew record on creation, as the initial default. Edit the Crew record in 1pm to update the email address used to receive Crew alerts.

Space User

For Space Users (Admins) you have shared access with to your Space, the individual Space Users control their email and mobile phone number within their User Account.



To update a mobile number for a User record, ask that User to update their personal informaiton in their User Account settings in the Mobile (Alerts) field.

Contact / Crew

People rarely change their mobile phone number, so it makes sense to store this in the Contact record as a type of single source of truth. Then when you add that Contact to a new future event as Crew, their mobile phone number is inherited from the Contact record.

Therfore, to change a Mobile number for a Contact/Crew source you should edit the associated Contact recrod for that Crew member.

You can do this by clicking on the CREW tab then searching for the Crew name, editing the Contact record and changing the Mobile Phone field.

Do Not Sms


Users can change their ‘Do Not Sms’ status (this means they will not receive any SMS sent by 1pm) by editing their User Account and switching the ‘Block Incoming SMS’ on. This prevents any and all SMS messages from being sent to that User.

Contact / Crew

Crew Members cannot personally control whether they receive SMS or not via 1pm. If a Crew member requests ‘Do Not Sms’ to respect their privacy you as an Admin user can change their Crew record using the ‘Do Not SMS’ field.

Do Not Email

There is actually no ‘Do Not Email’ field for Crew Members or Users, but deleting their email address will achieve the same effect in the rare case this is neccesary.


  • Run the Config report in Chat as often as you need to ensure all data is maintained correctly. Ideally you will see no red error circles, meaning everyone in 1pm can be contacted by both their correct Email address and Mobile Phone number.

  • If the Source is User, you cannot change the information even if you have Admin access, only that User can update it. This only applies to Admin users.

  • If the Source is Contact/Crew, this is data or information that you as an Admin control, so you will need to change it for them by editing either the Contact record for that Crew Member to change a Mobile number, or the Crew record to change or add an Email address.


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