Chat Message Live Status Updates
When sending an urgent or important chat message to Crew members, it is very useful to know the status of the message from the Crew member (recipients) perspective.
Especially if you are sending requests to larger teams, like Security for example which might encompass 20 individuals spread out over the event space. You need to know who has actually ‘Got’ the message, and who is doing something about it…
1pm now provides a built-in system for Crew members to acknowledge chat messages with three different statuses depending on their response.
There are three statuses that every Crew member can set for each individual chat message sent from the Admin area.
Got It (i.e. I have received and acknowledge the message, but I have not taken direct action).
Onto It (I am taking direct action to remedy or address this issue).
Done (The issue the chat message relates to is resolved, or can be closed).
You can view these statuses in the Admin area by clicking ‘Show Live Crew Status Updates’.
A Crew member using the Live Runsheet is deemed to have ‘Got it’ if they have clicked and opened the message (their status will automatically be set to ‘Got it’) or they click the ‘Got It’ button in the main chat message feed right next to the message.
This allows a Crew member to quickly mark mutliple messages as ‘Got it’ without having to open each individual message.
Live Crew Status Updates will update in real-time in 1pm without the need to refresh the page, they will come in with the latest on top.
Now you know exactly which Crew members have acknowledged your message, which Crew members are responding with ‘Onto It’ and if the issue related to the chat message has been resolved by someone setting the Status to ‘Done’. You can then close the open chat message, so it disappears from all other crew members screens instantly.
The other way to use the ‘Onto It’ status is to broadcast a Chat message to all Crew, then once a Crew member responds ‘Onto it’ you can close the chat message, knowing that it is being resolved.