Crew Chat
The crew chat feature is integrated into both the admin area and live portal (for participants). It allows for complete, end-to-end communication with all crew at your event, such as staff, volunteers, suppliers and service providers.
Crew use the chat feature to ask questions during the event, or report issues or incidents in real-time.
Images can be captured on Crew mobile phones or iPads and sent immediately to Admins, giving context to incidents that require the attention of administrators.
Send Chat to All Admins
Participants can send an instant chat message to All Admins which is often used during an event to raise an urgent issue or advise on progress of tasks or assignments (and any issues).
Send Chat to Key Crew
Admins can send chats to Key Crew (crew that have runsheet access) such as suppliers and service providers.
Send Chat to Space Owner
Chat can simply be sent directly to the main organize of the event.
Send Chat to Selected Space Users
Users can individually select Space Users to send chat messages to.
Send Grouped or Direct Messages
When sending a chat, within the admin area you can choose whether this will be a grouped chat (all recipients can view chat messages) or separate chats (more like a direct chat message). Choose the granularity of communication you need to involve those who need to know.
View Chat Reads in Real-time
When sending individual direct chat messages, chat reads are updated in real-time so you know that person has opened the chat message.
Live Notifications
A green dot appears in the chat window whenever you have a new, unread chat message. A new message sound also plays and a notifcation will appear.