Runsheet Filtering
5 different filters modes offer a personalised view on the runsheet for those viewing the shareable runsheet, or personalised runsheet.
FIlters can be accessed by clicking on the filter button at the bottom of the runsheet (not available in Agenda only view).
Remember that in 1pm everything updates in real-time, so marking an activity assignment as complete in ‘Auto Hide Completed Activity’ will instantly make that activity entry disappear off the live runsheet.
Auto Hide Past Activity
This factors in the Activity duration if one exists. So if the duration of the task is two hours, it will only hide Activity after two hours. Please also note that this particular filter is currently not real-time, however it will update when the screen is refreshed (for example the user reloads the page).
Auto Hide Completed Activity
With this filter on all your Activity that is completed will be hidden on the runsheet to reduce distractions.
Mobile View
Mobile view hides the non-essential columns in the runsheet and just shows you Time, Name & Who. It’s ideal for smaller width devices like mobile phones to fit everything across the device held in portrait mode.
Minimal Runsheet View
This view is super popular as it gets rid of all the distracting elements on the runsheet and essentially shows only the live runsheet. It will also make the page load faster if it needs to be refreshed due to a browser tab being discarded or suspended.
Show Your Activity Only
This filter will only show your assigned Activity, allowing you to focus on what’s next.
Filter State Persistence
The way the filters have been implemented in 1pm is quite unique. They actually form part of the URL of the page. That means you can setup the runsheet exactly how you wish, then save that as a bookmark and all the filters will be applied automatically.
If you apply a filter and refresh the page, the filter remains in place until you switch that filter off.