Chat with Mutiple Crew Tags/Groups

The tag sytem within 1pm is extremely powerful because one Crew Member can belong to multiple user defined ‘Tags’.

Some of the uses of Tags include:

  • Teams, Groups or Squads e.g. ‘YELLOW’, ‘BLUE’, ‘GREEN’.

  • Functional Groups e.g. ‘MEDICAL’ , ‘SECURITY’, ‘CATERING’.

  • Hierarchial level or seniority e.g. ‘EXECUTIVE’, ‘MANAGERS’.

  • Skills or certification based e.g. ‘FORKLIFT’, ‘FIRST AID’, ‘FOOD CERT’.

  • Departmental e.g. ‘HR’, ‘MARKETING’, ‘SALES’, ‘FACTORY’.

  • Separation of responsibility e.g. ‘FOH’, BOH’.

There is no limit to the scope with wihch tags can be used in 1pm, other than your imagination!

Once Tags are setup, you can choose one or more Tags to send a Chat message to, together with an SMS if the incident is urgent.

Tags within 1pm make locating and contacting the right crew member, at the right time — easy and predictable.


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