Crew List / Guest List Creation


Some event planning software platforms don’t have a centralised database of Contacts that you can reuse. They might expect you to create a new crew list for every event.

1pm is centralised around Contacts, and expects you will probably routinely invite the same crew to your events (the same suppliers, volunteers etc.)

This is one of the reasons 1pm is specifically designed for event planners who plan recurring events such as weekly, monthly or annual events.

Here are the default Crew statuses within 1pm in terms of their attendance at the event:

To Invite

Guests you have decided to invite, but haven’t ‘hit the button’ yet and actually sent the invite.


Crew you have invited, and they have hit the ‘IM ATTENDING’ button.

Invite Sent

Crew who you have invited, but haven’t gotten around to sending their RSVP.

Maybe Invite

Crew who you would love to invite (or maybe just like to invite) but only if there is enough space/budget. You can change these later to ‘TO INVITE’ and invite.


Crew who have politely DECLINED the invitation for whatever reason.


Crew who have indicate they would personally love to come to the event, or you would love to invite, and are just waiting to see if any of the ‘Tier 1’ guests drop out or change their status to ‘NOT ATTENDING’ so you can invite them.

Event planners love the RSVP feature in 1pm because they can easily see who has dropped out (maybe at the last minute) and to also send out reminder emails to all the Crew (to all the ‘Accepted’ crew) and to remind crew that have not yet confirmed their attendance they need to RSVP to get into the ‘ACCEPTED’ crew list.

You can use these statuses to fit how your workflow, but some event planners will call or text volunteers for example from previous years and ask them if they are available for this years event. They can then set their status to DECLINED manually if required within 1pm, so that volunteer is not contacted again.


If you are planning an event where you want to invite Guests, you can use 1pm to invite guests and for them to provide their RSVP. You would then create a tag called GUEST or similar so you know these Crew are actually the guests at the event.

So while 1pm is primarily designed for Crew members, it can also be used to provide digital RSVP for actual guests (as well).


Crew Invites


Runsheet Creation