Runsheet Creation


1pm has many smart features to make it fast and easy to add Runsheet Activity and assign Areas and Participants.

We wanted the experience to be better than using a spreadsheet (the most common other way to create runsheets) and to maximise efficiency and reduce mistakes and gotchas.

Just like a spreadsheet, you can simply insert a row above or below an existing Activity item with one click.

You can also just click inside a row and edit it without any double clicking of fluffing around with edit buttons. It feels like you are editing a spreadsheet.

It adds the Activity duration to the Start Time automatically, to suggest the next Activity start time.

You can assign Activity to any number of Participants, and set the Area for the Activity.

Bulk Changes for all aspects of the runsheet make the whole process very quick and efficient.

You can even add timelines by just typing (or pasting) in Activity aka ‘Natural Language’ editing.


Guest List Creation