Avoid Session Expired Screen

KB 1001

Have you seen the following screen in 1pm? This KB article explains why the screen is shown, and how to stop it happening.

This screen will show in 1pm in circumstances where the same 1pm user has more than three active screen displayed (on your current device, or any other device).

The last instance of the application to be opened for that user will also have priority. Any old sessions logged into 1pm with the same 1pm user will be shown this screen.

1pm is based on a technology that relies on thousands of small messages between the application front-end and the server back-end. These all happen transparently to the user, and enable the ‘Live’ and ‘Real-Time’ features of 1pm.

There is no point updating all sessions that are opened (including older sessions or old browser windows) if those sessions are not currently being used. So for maximum efficiency, all old sessions are closed for you automatically.

If you see this screen and you still want to use 1pm, all you have to do is log back in and you can use 1pm straight away.

If you notice after a few seconds that you are redirected back to this screen, chances are that somebody else is using your 1pm login. In 1pm, each user should use their own user login in that case.

Add new users to 1pm

You can add new users to 1pm at anytime, which help prevent these messages from occuring. This will also allow for more personalisation of the user interface, as 1pm automatically saves your user state including fields displayed, what sections of the screen are being used etc.

Multiple browser windows?

To avoid seeing this screen, when using 1pm do not hold down the SHIFT key on windows when clicking on links within 1pm (to create a new browser window). Keep working in one single browser tab, logged in with the same 1pm user, and you will never see this screen.


Keep tab alive on Android mobile mode


Can you SMS Invites in 1pm?