Can you SMS Invites in 1pm?

KB 1002

Not yet, but you can manually sms event portal links

1pm has been built with robust, fully integrated email sending & tracking. It allows Guests to RSVP by clicking on an ‘Event Portal’ link contained within an email sent from 1pm providing that person has an internet connection and can access a browser on their phone, computer or other device.

There is n current functionality within 1pm to SMS an invite directly from 1pm.

There is a feature though that generates a text based invite, which you can then copy and paste into your phone or another SMS platform. You can also use this manual invite feature to copy and paste into your own email system.

TIP: If you are wanting to send multiple invites using your own email system, it’s quicker to download the Invite List as a CSV file instead. Then you can import this into Mailchimp or your email service provider.

Simply click on the Guest, and the MANUAL INVITE button is displayed along with other guest fields.

If you would really like to be able to SMS invites from within 1pm, please submit a feature request.

Scenario: Inviting children names known

But what if you can’t send an SMS or EMAIL because your are inviting kids?

Children always have parents or caregivers, so to invite children to your event setup a Group within 1pm so the parent or guardian can RSVP on their behalf (this is best done when importing a spreadsheet with your guest list). This delegates the responsibility of providing the childs RSVP to the parent, via the parents event portal link.

Scenario: Inviting children names unknown

To invite a child (or perhaps a newly arrived sprog) to your event, you can either use the Group feature of 1pm, or simply change the +1’s field in 1pm to the number of children. Then 1pm will prompt the parent or guardian to enter their actual names. This is ideal if you don’t know the child’s name, or are not aware of the correct spelling.

Scenario: Inviting adults with no email address

For adults with no email address, if they have a mobile phone number you can manually SMS the Event Portal link which is available within 1pm. Using software like Windows Phone link can be useful for this, or simply manually sending the text message from your phone.

While this may seem like a pain, it’s likely to be only a small number of guests in total.

You can also download the ‘Invites’ to a CSV file, which will contain individual Event Portal links for all invited guests and import this into any third party application.

Scenario: Inviting adults with no email address or mobile

For guests who are digitally disconnected and have neither a mobile phone number or email address, it is recommended you call them on a landline number and invite them this way, send an invitation by post or have another guest (their partner or friend) provide their RSVP status through the Group or +1 features of 1pm.


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