Internal Activity Only

Activity can now be flagged as ‘Internal’ and this Activity will only show for Participants with the ‘Runsheet +Internal’ flag in their Participant record.

Internal Activity will display in the Admin area in the Runsheet tab with a pink background color as per the key below:

How could this feature be used in your scenario? Let’s explore some use cases below:

Use Cases for Internal Activity

Hotels & Venues

Set Activity to internal when it’s for your internal processes and staff use. That way, other Activity will be visible to the client to provide feedback on the runsheet, without the client seeing your internal tasks.

Corporate Event Planners

Mark Activity internal so it only appears for your event team only, for tasks that other Participants such as executives or suppliers do not need to see. This makes their runsheet more succint, and avoids them having to see trivial tasks that are not significant or relevant.

Group Travel Planners

You would mark Activity as internal for anything that you don’t need or wish guests or tour members to see. This Activity would then appear on the runsheets for your internal staff, whilst Activity that is relevant for guests would still show.

Wedding Planners

Mark Activity as internal where those tasks are for you as the wedding planner or member of your team to action, and not for the client to see or be concerned about.

Steps to Use Internal Activity

Add Runsheet Activity as your normally would, but check the box ‘Internal’ displayed in the Runsheet next to Agenda/Draft flags.

Edit the Participant record of any Person who should see Internal Activity and drop down the ‘Runsheet Visibility’ then choose ‘Runsheet +Internal’.

Please note that this step (changing their visibility to ‘Runsheet +Internal’) will need to be taken for each Participant who is entitled to see Internal Activity.

What About Other Runsheet Views?

The Shared Runsheet and Shared Agenda will never show Internal Activity, because it’s not connected to a Participant.

The printed Runsheet will show Internal Activity but only for Participants printing the runsheet from their Live Event Portal using their special link.


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