Runsheet Feedback

Venues, hotels and professional event planners have been keenly await this major feature since we first launched earliest this year.

Runsheet Feedback is now in BETA and revolutionises the way you communicate and collaborate with clients and customers regarding the timeline, agenda or runsheet.

It provides a centralised, real-time forum for clients or customers to provide chat feedback on the timeline in the early stages of planning, avoiding inefficient social or text messages, emails and phone calls.

Instead, all feeback is solicited through the Event Portal of 1pm which you provide access to with a simple secure link (no login or password required).

Only participants with ‘full’ runsheet access are able to provide feedback. Suppliers and assistants with activity task assignments can also provide feedback on the timeline directly. By allowing as many participants to provide feedback, there are less chances of timeline conflicts and misunderstandings between vendors.

Here is what it looks like for the Participant, as you can see below an ADD FEEDBACK button intuitively appears on each line of the timeline:

What the Participant sees in Chat Feedback

In 1pm runsheet feedback is delivered to All Admins (event planners) as a chat message which appears instantly within the application together with a notifcation.

When you reply to feedback as an Admin, the Participant will also receive an instant notification from within the app.

If mutliple feedback chats are received from different participants or regarding different activities, these all appear in one place under the Feeback section of the Chat. Once dealt with, feedback can be marked as closed so it disappears.

This is what looks like from an Admin (event planner) point of view. You can see the green dot which appears to the right of the CHAT button instantly when new feedback arrives.

What the Admins / Event Planners see in the Admin Area

The GOTO button next to each Feedback item is the ultimate time saver! Clicking on this button takes the runsheet to the exact Activity the Participant is providing feedback on. You can then change the runsheet activity as required, and of course in 1pm it will update the runsheet in the Event Portal immediately, without refreshing.

This is also where the Admin would reply to the chat, thanking the participant or explaining why their feedback or request may not be possible to include.

Within 1pm Chats, Feedback and Tasks are all based on a core Chat object.

That means that just like Chats and Tasks, when Feedback comes into 1pm you can engage in a dialogue between the people who are involved.

Space Branding

When using Feedback Chat to solicit feedback from clients or customers we highly recommend using the Space Branding feature in 1pm, allowing the Space to use your own corporate branding colours.

There are four colours that can be customised which affect the Event Portal, and Feedback Chat being the Accent Color, Outer Background, Inner Background and Text color.

You can also add a header image to the live Event Portal which appears along the top, which you might choose to include your logo or sponsor logos for the event (or whatever you choose).

While we recommend certain pixels dimensions, this image can be any size you choose (for example you may wish to include a larger image more like a banner).

If you have external clients or customers you are soliciting feedback from you can maintain your branding throughout the customer experience as they submit their feedback and interact with the Event Portal.

Customers and clients love being able to provide instant feedback without writing individual email everytime, and the ability for them to see (instantly) the runsheet update as you tweak the timeline provides an incredibly engaging experience.

Some of our clients use 1pm just for providing timelines to clients and customers, without using any of the other features such as RSVP or activity task assignment. Every venue that sells event packages of any kind can benefit from using 1pm to efficiently communicate and collaborate with their clients and customers.

That includes hotels, resorts, conference centers, entertainment centres, restaurants and also third parties such as event planners, wedding planners and event planning or experience agencies.


Runsheet Attachments