Chris Jack Chris Jack

Chat with Mutiple Crew Tags/Groups

The tag sytem within 1pm is extremely powerful because one Crew Member can belong to multiple user defined ‘Tags’.

Some of the uses of Tags include:

  • Teams, Groups or Squads e.g. ‘YELLOW’, ‘BLUE’, ‘GREEN’.

  • Functional Groups e.g. ‘MEDICAL’ , ‘SECURITY’, ‘CATERING’.

  • Hierarchial level or seniority e.g. ‘EXECUTIVE’, ‘MANAGERS’.

  • Skills or certification based e.g. ‘FORKLIFT’, ‘FIRST AID’, ‘FOOD CERT’.

  • Departmental e.g. ‘HR’, ‘MARKETING’, ‘SALES’, ‘FACTORY’.

  • Separation of responsibility e.g. ‘FOH’, BOH’.

There is no limit to the scope with wihch tags can be used in 1pm, other than your imagination!

Once Tags are setup, you can choose one or more Tags to send a Chat message to, together with an SMS if the incident is urgent.

Tags within 1pm make locating and contacting the right crew member, at the right time — easy and predictable.

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

Runsheet Attachments

  • Centralised Space File Manager (sharing all documents between Admins).

  • Upload any PDF, PNG or JPEG file and rename as required.

  • Attach multiple uploaded files to any Runsheet Activity.

  • View PDF files within 1pm (no external PDF viewer required).

  • Give the attachment a friendly name (without file extensions).

  • Open/View attachment from within 1pm.

  • Runsheet attachments appear in the live Event Portal next to the activity.

  • Visibility settings for each attachment include:

    • Agenda for Everyone.

    • Runsheet for Everyone.

    • Agenda & Runsheet for Everyone.

    • Runsheet & Assignees Only.

    • Admin Area Only (the default).

  • Centralised Space File Manager (sharing all documents between Admins).

  • Upload any PDF, PNG or JPEG file and rename as required.

  • Attach multiple uploaded files to any Runsheet Activity.

  • View PDF files within 1pm (no external PDF viewer required).

  • Give the attachment a friendly name (without file extensions).

  • Open/View attachment from within 1pm.

  • Runsheet attachments appear in the live Event Portal next to the activity.

  • Visibility settings for each attachment include:

    • Agenda for Everyone.

    • Runsheet for Everyone.

    • Agenda & Runsheet for Everyone.

    • Runsheet & Assignees Only.

    • Admin Area Only (the default).

Runsheet Attachments are extremely useful for attaching travel documents (flight and hotel bookings), manuals or how to guides, venue setup plans and maps, weather contingency plans, AV setup guides, photographer briefs, safety briefings and any other relevant documents and information related to the Activity.

Change Attachment Visibility

Attachments show in the Event Portal

Attachments inside the Admin Area

View PDF Attachments within 1pm

PDF Viewer Features

The PDF Viewer is built into 1pm and allows PDF files to be quickly viewed within the application Admin area, or Event Portal. In addition to this it offers:

Navigation & Printing

  • Zoom in/out.

  • Support for multiple pages.

  • Viewing other PDF files (open PDF’s)

  • Page thumbnails for navigation through the document.

  • Printing the PDF.

Interactive Form Filling

  • Supports form submission of PDF text boxes, combo boxes, radio buttons and check boxes.

  • Documents can then be saved and reopened from within 1pm for further editing.

  • Ideal for event registration forms etc.

  • Use third party tools like Adobe Acrobat, JotForms or Microsoft Word 2010 or higher to create editable PDF forms.

Add Attachments to Printed PDF

1pm will automatically attach any attachments to the printed PDF, containing all documents in one file, by checking the ‘Attach Files to PDF’ option when generating the runsheet.

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

Runsheet Feedback

  • Venues can have clients leave feedback on their timeline.

  • Feedback automatically creates a new Feedback chat so you can collaborate and dicuss any suggestions or requests.

  • Clients only need a link to access the live runsheet and leave feedback (they don't need a 1pm account or user login).

Venues and professional event planners love this feature!

Simply add a Participant to 1pm with runsheet access, share the runsheet with them (either from within 1pm or by copying and pasting a link into an email or text message) and they will be able to:

  • View the live runsheet.

  • Comment or provide feedback on speficic activities.

  • Start a chat dialogue with you about that feedback.

It’s important to note that the client does not need a 1pm login, nor do they need to be a 1pm user (they just need the link).

As the event planner, you can then make changes to the live runsheet that will appear instantly.

This features completely replaces the need to email the timeline/agenda/runsheet to clients during the planning phase, you will only email one link and that will provide the ultimate channel to communicate with clients about the timeline.

Venues and event planners go nuts about this feature, because it means:

  • You save considerable time and drudgery exporting and emailing a different version of the timeline everytime it changes.

  • Clients can always view the latest timeline, and never accidentally use an outdated version.

  • You can actually engage with the client using chat (a very efficient method of communication) rather than having to answer the phone or email the client.

  • As all comments and feedback are kept in one logical place (the timeline) you won’t miss any client feedback or fail to respond to requests and suggestions.

Timeline collaboration is an important, tedious and time consuming task that 1pm makes simple and cohesive.

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

Crew Chat

  • Send Chat to All Admins

  • Send Chat to Key Participants

  • Send Chat to Space Owner

  • Send Chat to Selected Space Users

  • Send Grouped or Direct Messages

  • View Chat Reads in Real-time

  • Live Notifications

The crew chat feature is integrated into both the admin area and live portal (for participants). It allows for complete, end-to-end communication with all crew at your event, such as staff, volunteers, suppliers and service providers.

Crew use the chat feature to ask questions during the event, or report issues or incidents in real-time.

Images can be captured on Crew mobile phones or iPads and sent immediately to Admins, giving context to incidents that require the attention of administrators.

Send Chat to All Admins

Participants can send an instant chat message to All Admins which is often used during an event to raise an urgent issue or advise on progress of tasks or assignments (and any issues).

Send Chat to Key Crew

Admins can send chats to Key Crew (crew that have runsheet access) such as suppliers and service providers.

Send Chat to Space Owner

Chat can simply be sent directly to the main organize of the event.

Send Chat to Selected Space Users

Users can individually select Space Users to send chat messages to.

Send Grouped or Direct Messages

When sending a chat, within the admin area you can choose whether this will be a grouped chat (all recipients can view chat messages) or separate chats (more like a direct chat message). Choose the granularity of communication you need to involve those who need to know.

View Chat Reads in Real-time

When sending individual direct chat messages, chat reads are updated in real-time so you know that person has opened the chat message.

Live Notifications

A green dot appears in the chat window whenever you have a new, unread chat message. A new message sound also plays and a notifcation will appear.

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

Runsheet Filtering

  • Auto Hide Past Activity

  • Auto Hide Completed Activity

  • Mobile View (less columns)

  • Minimal Runsheet View (show just the runsheet)

  • Show Your Activity Only

  • Filter State Persistence

5 different filters modes offer a personalised view on the runsheet for those viewing the shareable runsheet, or personalised runsheet.

FIlters can be accessed by clicking on the filter button at the bottom of the runsheet (not available in Agenda only view).

Remember that in 1pm everything updates in real-time, so marking an activity assignment as complete in ‘Auto Hide Completed Activity’ will instantly make that activity entry disappear off the live runsheet.

Auto Hide Past Activity

This factors in the Activity duration if one exists. So if the duration of the task is two hours, it will only hide Activity after two hours. Please also note that this particular filter is currently not real-time, however it will update when the screen is refreshed (for example the user reloads the page).

Auto Hide Completed Activity

With this filter on all your Activity that is completed will be hidden on the runsheet to reduce distractions.

Mobile View

Mobile view hides the non-essential columns in the runsheet and just shows you Time, Name & Who. It’s ideal for smaller width devices like mobile phones to fit everything across the device held in portrait mode.

Minimal Runsheet View

This view is super popular as it gets rid of all the distracting elements on the runsheet and essentially shows only the live runsheet. It will also make the page load faster if it needs to be refreshed due to a browser tab being discarded or suspended.

Show Your Activity Only

This filter will only show your assigned Activity, allowing you to focus on what’s next.

Filter State Persistence

The way the filters have been implemented in 1pm is quite unique. They actually form part of the URL of the page. That means you can setup the runsheet exactly how you wish, then save that as a bookmark and all the filters will be applied automatically.

If you apply a filter and refresh the page, the filter remains in place until you switch that filter off.

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

Import Activity

  • Import your existing runsheets from spreadsheets by exporting them to CSV file and importing into 1pm.

  • Now supports Participant Assignments e.g. the ‘Responsible’ column in your spreadsheet. Will automatically create Participant Assignments where there is match to the Contact Shortcode field.

  • Matches with Area Shortcode to determine Area.

  • Smart field mapping will attempt to quickly map column names automatically, or you can map individual columns.

Import Activity, Assignments & Areas

Export your existing timeline, runsheet or activity data from wherever it’s currently held into CSV format (comma separated values).

1pm can then import your entire existing runsheet line by line, and it will even import Crew Activity Assignments and Areas.

The import feature has built-in user defined field mapping, so you don’t have to rename the columns in your data source.

1pm matches Crew Activity Assignments to contacts using it’s built-in 7 character Shortcode. It also matches to Areas using a Shortcode.

The import feature will save your hours or days of data entry, and eliminate mistakes.

Still confused about how to get your existing runsheet into 1pm? Send us a support request and we will help you through the process.

We also offer a ‘White Glove’ data import service, where we will import your existing Contacts and Activity for a small fee. Contact support for more information.

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

Export Invites

  • Export CSV of invites with Email, FirstName, Surname, Company, Link into your email provider (such as MailChimp).

  • Allows you to send invites and Event portal links using your own domain/email platform.

Export Invites to CSV File

Export Participants to a CSV file including:

FirstName, Surname, Company, Email, Link

The link field contains the personalised and unique runsheet link address for the participant.

Using this special link they can access their Live runsheet, RSVP, view key contacts and mark assignments complete.

The main purpose of exporting invites to a CSV file is to allow you to export these links into your email service provider, such as as Mailchimp to send emails from your company domain (this preserving trust and branding).

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

Email Tracking

  • Track all emails sent within 1pm to determine events such as delivery, opens and bounces.

  • Get better understanding of who has not received an email communication so you can follow up with alternative email addresses or contact methods.

  • 1pm transparently uses the Sendgrid by Twilio service to send emails, the same email platform used by Uber, AirBnb and Spotify.


Email tracking is used to track and audit any emails sent from within 1pm, such as event invites, event updates and space user invites.

Tracking is comprehensive, and includes the ability to track delivery of emails, plus in most cases email opens.

Using the built-in 1pm email tracking you can audit invitations and get advanced information of the deliverability of those emails (without having to contact 1pm Support). 1pm uses Sendgrid to send emails, and email status updates are updated in real-time within seconds. No more guessing whether a particular person has received their invitation (especially handy if they haven’t RSVP’d yet and the event is getting close).

You’ll know exactly why an email invite hasn’t been received (for example if the email was blocked at the server) or other reasons.

You can then take action to invite that user using an alternative email address, or manually invite them if required.

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

Assign Crew to Teams

  • Assign squad names to Crew such as ‘Medics’ or ‘Team 1’.

  • Supports bulk operations to easily and quickly assign Crew to Squads.

  • Squads will appear in the Event Portal for the crewand on the runsheet (and updates in real-time).

  • Export the Crew List with Squad names.

  • Squads are a useful feature that can be used in conjunction with, or separate from Contact and Crew Tags to manage groupings of crew.


Teams are alphabetically named, and 1pm provides an easy interface to quickly assign crew to specific teams.

Teams work separately to Tags, as Crew can only belong to one team. Whereas with Tags, 1pm allows a Crew member to be assigned unlimited Tags.


All crew have access to their unique Agenda/Runsheet which prominently displays the team they are assigned to.

When sending an Alert within 1pm for example, you can select Crew based on their Team.

The combination of Teams and Tags within 1pm provide powerful Crew categorisation, filtering and identification features.

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

Email Updates

  • Send a quick event reminder or update to Guests right from within 1pm.

  • Emails are sent immediately and are trackable in terms of opens and delivery.


It happens at every event, in the last few days or hours something needs to be communicated to Crew Participants (and often immediately).

In 1pm, sending event updates to everyone the ground is extremely flexible. There are no templates to choose from or complicated screens.

Just tap out your event update and click SEND EMAIL TO ALL CREW.

Note: SMS updates can also be sent within 1pm using Alerts (may required SMS credits).

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

Shareable Agenda

  • All guests can view the Live Agenda with countdown to the next Activity, and clear indication of the current Activity.

  • Set any Activity as ‘Agenda’ so it appears on the Live Agenda.


The ‘Shared Agenda’ view in 1pm which is available to both regular guests (and special participants like suppliers and speakers) updates in real-time.

It shows guests exactly when the next stage of the event is about to start, and a GREEN dot highlights the current stage.

This is just the Agenda view, Participants who have runsheet access get a much more detailed section as well showing their task assigments and much more information.

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

Import Contacts / Crew

  • Import Contacts and add Guests at the same time, using any CSV file.

  • Supports field mappings to easily map your source CSV file fields/columns to 1pm fields.

  • Import any existing guest list you have in a spreadsheet by simply exporting the spreadsheet as a CSV file, then import into 1pm.


You may already have a crew list somewhere like a spreadsheet or document.

1pm allows you to easily and quickly import this crewlist into 1pm and even add the imported contacts as crew to the current event.

The import logic is pretty clever, it will recognise common field names that are candidates for matching. For example, if your existing CSV file you exported to (from where the data came from) has the field name ‘First Name’ 1pm knows that should be mapped to the ‘FirstName’ field in 1pm.

But that doesn’t work for every scenario, so after 1pm has guessed what the likely field mappings are it allows you to further tweak the import. You can ignore fields in your CSV file, or select the correct mappings yourself.

Then just click on START IMPORT and the everything will be imported in a few seconds.

But mistakes happen when importing data, and sometimes you won’t realise until after the fact.

That’s why we also built a tool to DELETE PAST IMPORTS in case you have to make changes to the CSV file and import again.

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

Shareable Runsheet

  • Guests personalised Live Runsheet allows them to tick off task assignments in real-time.

  • Know exactly what tasks are overdue or remain uncompleted.

  • Everyone with the Live Runsheet can see which tasks have been completed in real-time.

  • Tasks are filtered to that person, or they can view the full runsheet.


You just seen one of the most powerful features of 1pm, the live runsheet which is personalised for every crew member.

This is the view that anyone requiring full runsheet access will see using their personalised link. They won’t need to login to 1pm to view this, all they need is the link! Anyone who can click on a link in an email can access this screen.

There is alot to unpack here, but essentially this is everything your old printed runsheets would contain, and much more.

Crew you have assigned tasks in Activity will see their tasks assignments, and be able to switch these tasks on/off as they are completed.

They will also see exactly when the next task assignment is due, and where the activity is taking place.

Areas are displayed as Shortcodes so they work display well on narrow mobile devices.

Full area/location information is displayed at the top in the Main Details section.

Everything updates in real-time on the runsheet with no need to refresh the page, including Activity timing changes and Task Assignment completions.


Shows just the activity you have set as ‘Agenda’ items in your runsheet Activity within 1pm. Accessible to everyone participating at the event (whether they have runsheet access or not).


This section is packed with handy information for both regular guests and participants who have runsheet access. It has key information such as venue addresses, key contacts and parking information.


The RSVP section is displayed prominently and allows crew to RSVP for both themselves to confirm their attendance, and any +1’s that you have permitted. If it’s a group invite then this guest can also RSVP for other group members on behalf of them.


The runsheet section only displays to participants who are suppliers, venues or are activity assignable. Often this is not just suppliers, but key people such as speakers, assistants and anyone requiring runsheet access.


Change the date context or area context and the URL in the browser will add those parameters. That means you can email the new URL just for that date or area by copying it. When you refresh the browser the runsheet will load to the same event date and area automatically.

Related Features

Runsheet Filtering

Shareable Agenda

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

QR Code Sharing

  • QR Codes appear on all live runsheets and even the printed PDF runsheet for instant sharing.

  • Anyone without a runsheet can easily obtain one (live or pdf) using the instant QR Code.


Anyone with runsheet access in 1pm can instantly share a full copy of the live runsheet using the built-in QR Codes.

You can share either the runsheet, or just the Agenda,

Say goodbye to hassles and frustrations caused by not having enough printed runsheets.

With 1pm you don’t even need to physically print runsheets, and anyone with a the special ‘Shared Runsheet’ link can view the runsheet, and download and print the PDF version (which will always be the latest version, not yesterday's).

Every phone these days Android and iPhone supports scanning a QR Code, so it’s a very quick, failsafe and widely understood method to share the runsheet at an event.

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

Print PDF Runsheet

  • 1pm instantly generates a comprehensive PDF runsheet with all information and activity, on demand for any guest who has those privileges.

  • Large, easy to ready fonts ensure good visibility in low light situations.

  • Your logo can be displayed on the runsheet for branding purposes.

  • Total runsheet time is automatically generated.

  • View Activity Areas, Assignments and details all in one small and universally accessible document.

  • Use the QR Code on the printed runsheet to share the runsheet with others in real-time.


1pm will generate a perfectly formatted, beautiful and complete runsheet within seconds for anyone wanting an offline copy.

With this offline, downloaded PDF version of the runsheet it is always accessible even if your internet connection isn’t.

Just remember to download a copy of the runsheet before the event, so it’s in your phone or device downloads folder ;)

1pm runsheets are automatically designed to eliminate all the common errors and mistakes that we see in DIY designed runsheets.

  • Times are shown in 24 hours time eliminating confusion.

  • The runsheet calculates and displays the total duration of the day.

  • You don’t have to enter key contacts anywhere, they are automatically populated from your existing Contact records within 1pm. Enter once and reuse forever.

  • Fonts and font sizes used are designed for maximum legibility and contrast for dim locations.

  • Nothing can be left off the runsheet accidentally, and mistakes are impossible if the source data is kept up to date.

  • Detailed information can accompany area locations such as the exact building, floors, sector and room number.

  • The runsheet is time stamped with the version date, so you always know which printed copy is the ‘latest’.

  • Anyone with the printed PDF runsheet can also share it using the built-in QR Code (not shown on image).

Please note: PDF printing of runsheets is only available with a paid version of 1pm and is not available in the Free plan.

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

Multi-User Editing

  • Real time multi-user architecture to allow multiple people to update data simultaneously with instant updates.

  • Share the management of an Event with other colleagues or partners.


1pm allows users to share the management of all data with any other Space Users, aka Admins.

Events are stored within Spaces which have their own branding colors, logos and runsheet portal header images. So if you are planning a festival for example, you can style the entire experience to match your colors and theme.

You can then share the editing of the event with other Admins.

When using 1pm in Admin mode, users must be logged into the application with their email address and password.

Crew on the other hand, do not need to be logged into the application they just follow their personalised links.

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Chris Jack Chris Jack


  • Add a runsheet logo or Event Portal header image to match your brand or event theme.

  • Change Accent, Outer Background, Inner Background and Text colours across the Guest facing screens.

  • For consistency, branding and appearance settings affect all Events within that Space.


The standard accent color in 1pm is orange. We think it’s the perfect color for events which are often held at night.

But you can change the color to match the branding of your event… this accent color can be easily changed within the app to match your branding colors.

All the colors in the public portals (shared agenda, shared runsheet, personalised runsheet & personalised agenda) can be set in the branding & apperarance section of the Space the event belongs to.

A logo can be set to appear in the top left hand corner of the printed PDF runsheet (again ensuring brand consistency).

Finally, a portal image can be set for all the live portals which appears at the very top and can span the entire screen as a large image.

This is similar to the Facebook cover photo, the image is designed to appear prominently at the top of the screen on all devices.

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

Add Events

  • Setup Event names and sub names.

  • Assign a main location/venue for the Event.

  • Set the default invite Start Date/Time and organiser contact details to show on Runsheet.

  • Create an event Blurb that will show on the Live Runsheet and PDF Runsheet.


1pm has some stand out features built-in to make the whole process of event planning smoother and smarter.

When creating a new event within 1pm you can instantly look up existing Locations/Venues from your database. If this is a new Venue, there is a handy link to add that venue.

When entering start times into 1pm we made this as easy as possible. There are no fiddly time pickers. You just type in the time the event starts using natural language, so something like ‘9am’ or ‘9.00am’ will work equally as well.

When adding an event you also get to set the main contact details, which will appear directly on the runsheet.

Finally, you can revoke the runsheet token which looks rather intimidating at first sight.

That’s because the token is essentially the unguessable secret ‘password’ which provides access to the public portals, without actually needing to login or sign up for anything.

Within this screen you can also revoke this token, to start again in terms of your security tokens.

This is also where you set events to active or inactive. 1pm provides a certain number of events per plan (more events means more cost of course). You don’t have to delete old events, but you will need to set them to inactive so they don’t count towards your total active event quota.

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

Contact Tags

  • Tag Contacts with multiple tags.

  • Tagging provides fast filtering options when adding Contacts as Guests, or finding Supplier, Venues or Locations e.g. ‘Caterers’.

  • Hide Tags on the runsheet to make them internal use only.

  • Tag contacts any way you wish, such as ‘SydneyTeam’, ‘VIP’, ‘Marketing’ etc.


Tags in 1pm are used to classify contacts for later retrieval or filtering. They are a very important and powerful feature within the platform.

They are commonly used to tag Contacts as having a certain charateristic, for example VIP, SYDNEYTEAM, VOLUNTEER, MEDIC, SECURITY, CATERER, STALLHOLDER etc.

Tags can be used internally or externally by using the ‘Hide on Runsheet’ features.

If any tags are ‘Hidden on Runsheet’ then they won’t show on the runsheet, so you can think of these as being for internal use only.

When you add Crew in 1pm you are always adding it from a Contact. So when you add a Contact in 1pm, those ‘Contact Tags’ propogate to the r record.

That is powerful, but bear in mind Crew Tags (inherited from Contact Tags) are actually separate entities. So a Crew member can have their own set of tags for their Crew record (separate from their Contact Tags). When a Crew member is created from a Contact record, that Crew record inherits the Contacts tags, but only one time. After that, you can tweak those tags in the Crew record as required.

While this can be hard to get your head around at first, it makes sense because the Contact record is the permanent record of contact details for that person, but at any specific event that person may be performing different roles from other events (this the flexibility).

Once you have added tags, not only do they appear on the runsheet next to the contact (so everyone knows that person is the PHOTOGRAPHER - for example) but it provides easy filtering of Contacts within the platform.

Tags are also used when sending SMS Alerts in 1pm to specific Crew e.g. ‘CROWDCONTROL’.

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Chris Jack Chris Jack

Crew Invites

  • Email digital RSVP invites to selected Guests.

  • Email Tracking including delivery and opens.

  • 1pm generates a personalised event portal link for every invite.


1pm includes powerful online, digital RSVP feature to invite your Crew to the event with their confirmed attendance status.

Email event invites to Crew complete with personalised portal links.

Crew can set their RSVP status within the app to either ‘ATTENDING’ or ‘CANT MAKE IT’ at any time.

Your total ACCEPTED crew count will update in real-time within the app, so you always know exactly how many crew are coming.

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