Live Event Runsheets & Alerts

Real-Time Event Planning, Operations & Communications

For Conference, Convention, Festival, Public & Sporting Event Planners in Australia/NZ

*1pm is FREE in early access beta for Australian/NZ based companies & organisations.

What is 1pm?

1pm is an Australian made & supported, cloud-based platform for multiple event Admins to plan, monitor and manage complex event operations in real-time (similar to how a chat application updates instantly).

Who uses it?

Event Admins use 1pm to collaboratively plan the digitial runsheet, using the feedback features to solicit feedback from stakeholders.

Closer to the event, 1pm is used by all Crew (staff, volunteers, suppliers, exhibitors or stallholders etc.) to view or print their real-time runsheet, report incidents with photos captured from their phone, and receive real-time alerts and updates.

SMS or Email alerts can be sent to from Admins for time critical updates (for urgent weather, schedule changes, incidents). 1pm uses a Tag based system, so every Crew member can be tagged in multiple ways e.g. ‘Yellow Team’ or ‘Medical’.

Alerts can then be sent in real-time to one or many Tags (groups), to All Admins, or to individual Crew members where you can instantly see if they have read the message, and their current stats (Read, Onto, Done).

How does it work?

Crew access their event portal instantly from their mobile device by following a link sent as an SMS or email from 1pm. This provides a reliable and frictionless onboarding process, as no app download or login is required at any time for Crew.

Admins control 1pm from any device with a browser (desktop, tablet, phone) where they can triage incoming incidents, and broadcast alerts and updates as required.

Why is it free?

1pm is currently in Beta (the early release phase) which means we are gathering feedback from customers for improvements and bug fixes. 1pm is FREE to use during the Beta period* providing you sign up using a company or organization email address (no free email accounts sorry).

As foundational users of the app, your feedback will help improve the product.

You’ll get 5 X Licenses for FREE worth AUD$100 per month during the Beta period, giving you capacity to manage up to 10 Active events and have up to 100 Crew members use their crew portal.

*The Beta period end date has not been finalised, but is expected to be within the second quarter of 2025. After the Beta period finishes, you will still have access to your data but the 5 free licenses will expire, replaced with the Free plan. Customers are welcome to upgrade after the Beta period has expired to continue using 1pm with the appropriate number of licenses they require. We will give you 30 days notice of the expiration of the Beta period so there is no disruption to operations.

Live demo

While 1pm is available now to use and evaluate, you may prefer a guided demonstration of the software. Book your free live demo below (a Google Meet link will be provided):

Crew Chat & SMS Alerts

Files & Documents

Live Crew Runsheets


Safety & Compliance

Outside Australia/NZ: Early Access Global.

Live Runsheet & Crew Portal

The Admin area in 1pm is used to create complex runsheets spanning multiple days and areas. Runsheet Activity can be assigned to Crew members.

Instantly share a live event portal link with crew so they always have the latest information about areas & locations, key contacts, hazards, compliance documents and their own live runsheet that updates in real-time.

Crew can check-in and be informed of any live hazards or other updates in real-time.

It works without login or registration, so crew can access their portral by following an SMS link which can be sent directly from within 1pm.

Suppliers can also view the runsheet which updates in real-time as task assignments are completed.

The live crew portal can be branded with your own logos and colours, or a custom image displayed as a header image.

View Full Screenshot

QR Code Sharing

Crew can share the agenda or full runsheet with anyone else by using the built-in QR codes if activated.

Print PDF Runsheet

Crew can print the latest versioned runsheet from the crew portal anytime as a backup.

View PDF Runsheet

Runsheet Collaboration

Stakeholders such as clients, colleagues, suppliers & sponsors can leave real-time feedback via chat on the runsheet timeline during the event schedule planning phase. As the event planner, you can collaborate on the timeline using the integrated chat feature.

Read more about runsheet feedback

Live Chat & Alerts

As a real-time event platform, 1pm has your back with fully integrated live chat and task communications.

Send chats to all crew, individual crew, admins or whole tags/cohorts via grouped chats. Use the powerful Tag system within 1pm to quickly send updates or SMS crew alerts e.g. ‘MEDICS’ or ‘USHERS’.

Use 1pm to send updates or alerts to crew during events such as ‘Missing Child found on Celebration Lawn’ or ‘Show start pushed to 8pm’. Photos can be captured from Crew mobile phones, or any device with a camera.

This all happens within the devices browser without any app installation or login required (on any device with an internet connection).

Crew Management

Staff, Volunteers & Suppliers

Maintain the personal details of staff, volunteers, suppliers, venues, performers, speakers, stallholders, exhibitors, external service providers (St John Ambulance etc.) in one shareable central contact database.

In 1pm, everyone participating in the event in an official capacity is considered Crew.

Tags allow powerful categorisation of contacts e.g. ‘SPONSOR’, ‘EXHIBITOR’, ‘ST JOHN’, ‘PHOTOGRAPHER’, ‘CATERER’ or cohorts such as ‘SYDNEY-TEAM’.

By using 1pm’s crew management, you’ll always have peoples contact details for future events. This makes it especially beneficial for recurring events, such as weekly, monthly or annual events.

Crew RSVP & Check-in

Crew can update their attendance status within the Crew Portal to indicate they are attending (or not attending) the event, and check-in/check-out.

RSVP includes Group RSVP so one person can RSVP for multiple crew if required.


Add attachments such as PDF files, images and links to the centralised Space File Manager to associate with Runsheet Activity.

Attachments appear in the live Crew Portal next to each Activity, for example you might add compliance, training, procedure, safety or operational documents.

A built-in PDF viewer within 1pm allows users to quickly view related PDF documents without leaving 1pm.

The visibility features allows sharing of documents to various crew and in different contexts.

New Features

As a professional corporate event photographer in Brisbane for 10 years, I frequently felt the frustrations event planners experienced using outdated runsheets and communicating with staff, volunteers & suppliers at major events.

So, I built 1pm to meet the specific needs of Australian/NZ event planners and managers.

There is nothing like it for keeping events and crew running like clockwork!
— Chris Jack, Founder
